- The hotel page will open. Below the map will be information needed to reserve your hotel room.
- The Dates default to the full convention, checking in on Tuesday May 21 and checking out on Sunday May 26.
If these dates are correct, next go to the Rooms & Guests box to the right and change if needed, otherwise, click on CHECK AVAILABILITY. Skip to step #4.
- If you need to choose different dates, please click on the down arrow in the dates box which will bring up a calendar,
select the dates with the first being the date you plan to arrive at the hotel and the second being the date you plan to check out. Change the Rooms & Guests section if needed and then click on CHECK AVAILABILITY.
- Once the room selection pops up, click on SELECT to reserve the type of room you desire.
Once the information on the room fees are listed, click on CONTINUE. A pop-up window will show giving you the option to continue as a guest or sign into your Marriot Bonvoy account to receive points.
- You will be directed to a new page which has a time limit to either make room choice changes or continue to fill
in your guest and credit card information. Once completed, click on BOOK NOW.